Top Tens….

December is here. Today was our first snow fall of the year.

I turn on the radio and am reminded of the “top tens” of the year, the hits that moved us and flops that failed. Damn, so much happened so fast? Uh oh, its time for a little self reflection …. 😉

Last years new years resolution: Get out of your comfort zone and try new things.

The fact that I remember it is an accomplishment in itself! lol. Nevertheless, I have been inspired and have had my eyes opened to many aspects of life. Although, I don’t have a top ten list, there are a few things that have made my list of inspirations for this year…

  • The positivity of will power: A dear friend of mine who is fighting cancer, you know who you are, has taught me that life is precious. Has taught me that life is a gift and that every moment is to be cherished. More importantly, you have taught me that strength and will power comes from within. And that, sometimes in our darkest moments, we find strengths that we never knew we had. That in the darkness, we can find positive energy simply because our desires and wishes are not complicated by materialistic things. Just wanting to make the most of life and enjoying everyday is a difficult lesson to learn, but when learned, is the best lesson of all. Dear friend, you inspire me every day.
  • The resiliency of youth: Yes, I’m about to talk about my favourite topic, my job. I love my clients even though your life circumstances often leave me feeling ashamed of the human race. But what I am continuously amazed by, is how so many of you, can fight for your dreams and make HUGE changes in short periods of time, once you have faith in yourself. I am amazed by your ability to forgive, your ability to make peace with people who have harmed you, your ability to expect more from yourself, take responsibility and quite often, choose to be sober. Life is unfair, and not everyone gets a choice of what they are born into. But your strength to beat the odds is what makes me want to wake up every morning. Dear teens, you are my motivation.
  • The beauty of commitment: Nowadays, its next to impossible to find a job posting that says, “full time permanent with benefits”. The more common line is “contract position requiring five years of work experience”. Jeez. I don’t want to know how those positions are over flowing with resumes. So when employers are not committing to employees what hope is there for love? lol. Don’t worry my slight cynicism has been cured with an abundance of engagements, marriages and babies. Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant. lol. But, my friends are. 🙂 Just being surrounded by people who are in love and sure is an awesome feeling. Being sure. Being able to commit and share the beauty of life. All this exciting hoopla has reminded me that there is beauty in the world. That no matter what changes, one thing will never change, that no matter how hard we try to run away from it, we are all eternal romantics. That, commitment is not something to be feared but embraced. Dear newly weds and mommies, your glowing faces remind me of Bollywood.

Although there is so much more I’d like to say, I’ll leave it for my next blog post. 🙂 Thank you to all those people who are a part of my life, for always being there and keeping it exciting. 🙂


Chit Chat.