
Connection: Human beings are social creatures, and need connection for survival. Family, friends, marriage all approved ways of building connection. Now, more than ever, with social media connection is easier and expected.

Disconnection: There are only 24 hours in a day. So when one priority increases another decreases. Is it possible now, that we know more about others and general facts about the world than we know about ourselves?

Do you remember the last time you had this conversation with yourself: Why do I always ….. Why can’t I stop…. I should …. I could ….. BUT.



What comes after the big But? A long sigh? A ‘reason’ we have been using to justify our position? A fake ‘what ever I don’t care’ statement? hmmm. what ever it is that comes after the but is our crutch. Maybe we need to spend a little bit more time getting to know our crutches, what we are afraid of, what is holding us back. Facing these will build character.

General knowledge facts we spend so much time gathering  can only help in creating small talk. Small talk is a great distraction. But real talk with yourself about your crutches might lead to less ‘buts’ and more changes.

Always easier said than done. We will just have to work on it together! 🙂


Chit Chat

self – efficacy

faith. We all understand the concept but internalizing it 100% is a long process.

evidence. When there is no evidence that logically supports having faith, how do i continue to do it anyways? How do i prove to others and more importantly to myself, that i am indeed capable of greatness?

symbolic interactionism is a bitch. Is the self doubt a result of what society thinks about me or because of my interpretation of what society thinks of me? Labels are powerful but the biggest kryptonite to faith are the labels we buy into and apply to ourselves.

mirrors. When i look into one what do i see? What labels do i hate but apply anyways? Am i mean or am i looking for evidence to change my mind? When do i stop criticizing and say so what, i’m going to have faith anyways. Is it when another person is able to convince me or can i just decide solo?

irony. The sad and funny thing is, those moments that have stuck with us, convinced us that in some way we are less than, are often forgotten by those who made us feel that way. hmm. so why do we hold on to it? I guess the answer is clear – somehow, somewhere, we decided to give the power to determine our self worth, to someone from the past, who is no longer relevant. logically then, their words are probably irrelevant as well.

Einstein. Every one told him he would never amount to anything. Everyone was wrong. He amounted to a whole lot.

Remember the crazy guy who thought the world was round? Turns out he was right. lol. embrace your crazy and stop looking for ‘evidence’ to justify having faith in yourself.

Chit Chat.