
Connection: Human beings are social creatures, and need connection for survival. Family, friends, marriage all approved ways of building connection. Now, more than ever, with social media connection is easier and expected.

Disconnection: There are only 24 hours in a day. So when one priority increases another decreases. Is it possible now, that we know more about others and general facts about the world than we know about ourselves?

Do you remember the last time you had this conversation with yourself: Why do I always ….. Why can’t I stop…. I should …. I could ….. BUT.



What comes after the big But? A long sigh? A ‘reason’ we have been using to justify our position? A fake ‘what ever I don’t care’ statement? hmmm. what ever it is that comes after the but is our crutch. Maybe we need to spend a little bit more time getting to know our crutches, what we are afraid of, what is holding us back. Facing these will build character.

General knowledge facts we spend so much time gathering  can only help in creating small talk. Small talk is a great distraction. But real talk with yourself about your crutches might lead to less ‘buts’ and more changes.

Always easier said than done. We will just have to work on it together! 🙂


Chit Chat

Future resolutions


So christmas and boxing day have come and gone, now is time for the new year. I’ve never written a blog about a blog, but I came across an inspiring blog today that is linked  http://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/2011/12/26/five-ways-to-find-your-future/ This post has inspired me and I had to share 🙂

Some key highlights that stand out to me:

“Memories without Dreams are Anchors”: The way I understand this. As great as remembering the good times can be, without having faith and focus on our to-be memories, our ‘good times’ will only act as an anchor, holding us back. I can’t think of a more simpler way to express this reality. We can either look forward or backwards.

“Current relationships tend to maintain stability, new relationships disrupt, treasure both”:  SO TRUE! I guess one of the main reasons we loose courage is exactly that. Change is disruptive. Change comes with new relationships that disrupt our equilibrium. Eventually, we will establish a new equilibrium, but can we handle being unbalanced during this process? Hmm. I never considered that contemplation is really about our attachments. I guess then, our desires which fuel our ambitions for the future are directly competing with our attachment to the things we do not want to give up. No wonder, many of us keep contemplating.

What is the solution?!? Well there is hope!  As Mr. Blogger says, “focus on your values”.  If you know what your core values are, no matter how disruptive, change can be handled. Only way to reach our dreams is to take a risk.

I will be thinking about the questions that were outlined in the blog:

~ what is your current legacy? what do you wish it was?

~how are you most useful to others?

~who do you want to be?

~how can you step toward your preferred future today?

~what are you willing to let go?

Happy New year! Hope this helps figure out what your new years resolutions will be???

Chit Chat.
